With the unprecedented arrest of a sitting president continuing to the political circle, the People's Power convened an emergency committee meeting at the National Assembly.
Additional countermeasures related to the arrest are expected to be discussed, and attention is being paid to whether there is any mention of the proposal of its own "Emergency Special Counsel Act."
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[Kwon Young-se / Emergency Response Committee Chairman]
Democrats, are you satisfied now?
CEO Lee Jae-myung, are you satisfied?
Aren't you ashamed of the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit and the police?
January 15, 2025 will go down as the dark history of the collapse of the rule of law in Korea.
Yesterday, our people vividly witnessed the violent political power trampling on the judicial system and destroying the rule of law of the Republic of Korea. It's a really miserable feeling.
The heart of the rule of law in a liberal democracy lies in compliance with due process.
This is because complying with the procedures created through long historical experience is the best way to protect human rights, maintain the system, and support society.
If public opinion overwhelms the judiciary and power goes through the process, it can be said that it is a crisis of liberal democracy.
Yesterday, the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit and the police took the lead in the collapse of the rule of law by themselves as part of the powerful Democratic Party.
In the first place, the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit does not have the right to investigate the crime of rebellion. The Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit is not a super-legal entity.
On what legal basis are you going to investigate the president?
The arrest warrant and the execution process of the warrant were all stained with expediency and illegality.
The acquisition of an arrest warrant by the Seoul Western District Court, not the Seoul Central District Court, which is stipulated in the Corruption Investigations Unit Act, has been criticized as warrant shopping.
There is even a suspicion that he tried to claim a warrant from the Central District Court, but it didn't work out, so he went to the Western District Court, which is dominated by judges from the Korean Law Research Association.
At the time of the first arrest warrant, it was pointed out as a serious problem that the judge wrote down the contents of disabling Articles 110 and 111 of the Criminal Procedure Act.
Even though the basic principle of separation of powers was ignored, the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit and the police used this as the basis for entering the official residence.
When another judge issued the arrest warrant and did not include such information, the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit even mobilized tricks and counterfeits.
The Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit announced that it had sent an official letter of cooperation to the head of the 55th Guard, who is in charge of security outside the official residence, and received a reply authorizing it.
It was a straight lie from this. The official letter of approval, which was also released by the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit, was a note with the official seal of the head of the security team attached to the official letter they sent.
Which agency replies by attaching a note to the official letter of the other agency?
Just by looking at this official document, we can confirm that the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit's claim that it sent and received a reply to the cooperation official document is clearly false.
They sent the head of the 55 guard to the National Security Agency for investigation, posted a crude note with permission on their official letter, pressed the head of the guard and forcibly received his seal.
There are even claims that investigators received a seal from the head of the security team and stamped it.
If true, it is a serious offense that requires the head of the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit to take responsibility, but the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit has failed to come up with an explanation.
What is even more absurd is that the head of the 55th Guard does not have the authority to permit access to the official residence in the first place.
When there was no way to get a permit from the presidential security office, which is the only one with the authority to enter, he committed such a fraud to the public.
All the charges that the President of Yoon Suk Yeol is facing now, including whether the emergency martial law is right or wrong and whether the crime of rebellion is established, are matters that need to be judged fairly through proper procedures.
If those who claim that emergency martial law is a civil war and will take issue with the proceedings completely ignore the proceedings themselves like this, which people will agree with their arguments and understand the results of the investigation.
The Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit is nothing short of a de facto judicial coup. All acts of the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit have already lost their legitimacy, both politically and legally.
The Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit will have to immediately stop the illegal investigation and transfer the case to an agency with legal investigation authority.
That is the only way to prevent confusion and conduct a fair investigation.
The power of the people will be held accountable for all illegal activities committed by the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit. It also strongly warns that if illegal activities, including leakage of investigation conditions, occur in the future, they will be held accountable until the end.
As such, judicial proceedings against the president are proceeding on a KTX-class basis, and some people are sitting leisurely on the slow train of judicial proceedings. It's Lee Jae-myung, the leader of the Democratic Party.
The case of publicizing false information during the 2021 presidential election process was only prosecuted in September 2022, and the first trial ruling was only issued on November 15 last year, two years and two months after the indictment.
Under the Public Official Election Act, the second trial ruling must be made within three months, but it has already been two months and the first trial will be held only on January 23. When the first trial sentenced him to one year in prison and two years of probation, representative Lee Jae-myung failed to even start the trial for more than two months after the first trial, using tricks such as not receiving a notice of receipt of litigation records.
Fortunately, yesterday, the Seoul High Court decided to suspend the distribution of new cases to the court by March and begin an intensive hearing at the request of the second trial court.
Representative Lee Jae-myung's strategy of delaying the trial should no longer be tolerated.
Representative Lee Jae-myung is currently on trial for as many as five cases. They include violations of the Public Official Election Act, perjury teacher charges related to prosecutor impersonation, bribery charges such as Daejang-dong, Baekhyun-dong, Wirye New Town, and Seongnam FC, third-party bribery charges of transferring $8 million to North Korea on behalf of the government, and illegal use of corporate cards during his time as governor of Gyeonggi Province.
But all these trials are being delayed without fail.
The public is now asking how to understand the court's slow proceedings in front of representative Lee Jae-myung.
The same measures as the Seoul High Court must be taken in the other trials of defendant Lee Jae-myung.
Delayed definitions are not definitions. I urge the judiciary to make a quick and fair judgment.
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