[Daejeon] "Reform of regulations is needed to introduce and revitalize trackless refractive vehicles."

2024.09.11. PM 4:12
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Daejeon City discussed the introduction and activation of a new means of transportation called "orbitless refraction vehicle" at the National Assembly Hall with global transportation experts and national research institutes.

Experts pointed out that in order to commercialize new transportation, which has advantages such as short construction period and cost reduction, government-level deregulation and system preparation should be prioritized.

Daejeon Mayor Lee Jang-woo said, "A trackless refracting vehicle can be introduced as soon as the signal system is maintained on the bus-only lane," adding, "I hope it will be an opportunity to revolutionize the transportation system through successful commercialization."

With the aim of the end of next year, Daejeon City is preparing a pilot project to introduce "orbitless vehicles" in a total of 6.2 kilometers from Gasuwon Intersection to Yuseong Hot Spring Intersection.

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