Park Tae Hwan's vision is damaged by 'Slice'...Court "No liability" [Anchor Report]

2024.09.30. PM 3:15
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"Marine Boy" Park Tae-hwan was sued for an accident that occurred three years ago while playing golf, but he was cleared of liability for compensation for the victim.

The case has not been known to the public for a while, and the reason was also known through court rulings.

Park Tae-hwan had an accident three years ago while taking a tee shot at a golf course in Chuncheon, Gangwon-do.

Slices, so the ball bent to the right and hit the top of A's eye, who was playing golf in the next hole.

Even after treatment, A had the aftereffects of losing his vision and narrowing his vision, and he sued Park for negligent injury.

"It is not unusual for slices to occur in amateur games," prosecutors said, filing a civil suit.

The Seoul Eastern District Court ruled that A lost the plaintiff in a lawsuit against Park for damages.

As ball-bending balls are common among amateur golfers, the duty of care to prevent safety accidents lies with golf course management companies and caddies.

In fact, caddies are often responsible for similar negligence accidents.

Three years ago, a woman in her 30s was blinded by a ball at a golf course in Wonju, Gangwon-do.

The victim sued all four people, including the representative of the golf course and the batter, along with his caddie, saying he had designed the golf course incorrectly, but the prosecution held only the caddie responsible for negligence.

However, there are also parts pointed out by the court.After the

accident, Park hid his personal information and put it forward as if the group had caused an accident, which means that he deserves moral criticism.

Park Tae-hwan, this ruling avoided responsibility for the accident itself, but instead took on moral responsibility that could have been avoided for a while.

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