The government "launchs a medical personnel estimation committee...7 out of 13 committee members recommended by doctors"

2024.09.30. PM 4:24
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The government said it will launch the Human Resources Supply and Demand Estimation Committee within this year, an organization to estimate the appropriate size of medical personnel scientifically and professionally.

Health and Welfare Minister Cho Kyu-hong said in a briefing on the progress of medical reform held at the Seoul Government Complex today that the system for estimating and coordinating manpower supply and demand will be institutionalized in earnest.

First, he explained that he will form a labor supply and demand estimation committee for doctors and nurses by job type, and that the majority of the 13 members will be 7 experts recommended by the supplier organization.

He also said that the recommendation of members will take place for three weeks from today to the 18th of next month, adding that the committee will launch a manpower supply and demand estimation committee within this year after the process of appointing members.

He then said that a manpower supply and demand system center will be set up within the Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, and the final decision will be made through deliberation by the Health and Medical Policy Review Committee.

Minister Cho stressed that the estimates and policy proposals will be fully respected by the Health and Medical Policy Review Committee, and that he expects active participation from supplier organizations, consumer organizations, and research institutes such as doctor organizations.

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