Starting to improve low birth awareness...20,000 people participated in 'Family Festa' successfully held

2024.09.30. PM 7:12
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The "2024 Family Festa Daegu," a low birth rate and local extinction overcoming expo hosted by YTN, ended with 20,000 participants.

The first fair, which covered the composition and growth of families in the fields of marriage, pregnancy, childbirth, and childcare and education, was well received.

Reporter Lee Yun-jae reports.

The counseling center is full of men and women who are about to get married.

I try on the ring, and I also look at the wedding dress.

Prospective couples flocked to the site by taking off the industry's practice of losing trust at a rough price and implementing a reconnaissance system.

In particular, it drew attention not only because it introduced escrow systems in preparation for financial accidents, but also because it could solve all the processes of marriage preparation in one place.

[Kwon Jae-wan and Lee Soo-min / Dasa-eup, Dalseong-gun, Daegu: It was the best because we could get various prices and quotes at once in one place. Since it was a festival concept, I think it was good because it gave a lot of benefits.]

A robot dancing to the music catches the child's eye.

In the space prepared by the police, fingerprint registration is also in full swing to prevent the disappearance of children and to quickly find them in the event of an accident.

In addition to information and content on childcare and education, policies and counseling spaces on pregnancy and childbirth, especially infertility, have also been prepared.

[Kim Si-oh / Daegu Medical Center] It was great to see that a number of related organizations participated together to raise citizens' awareness of this infertility. (Daegu Medical Center) A fertility center with public medical characteristics that expanded its function more than the existing commercial fertility center....]

For the first time in Daegu, a low birth rate and local extinction overcoming exhibition was held to provide a glimpse of information and policies needed to organize and grow families from marriage to childbirth, childcare and education.

Seminars and music festivals on childcare and education were also organized, making it a festival that fits all generations beyond policy sharing.

[Kim Sun-jo / Daegu City Administrative Mayor: If the government or public institutions have been responsible for low birth rate or regional extinction, I think this central point in the private sector and the media can create a greater synergy when they join forces with the government and public institutions]

To solve problems such as low birth rate and local extinction, it is most important to improve interest and awareness of marriage and childbirth.

Attention is focusing on whether this fair can be a starting point for solving the population problem.

I'm YTN Lee Yunjae.

Reporter for shooting
: Jeon Dae-woong

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