Park Chan-dae said, "President Yoon Suk Yeol has no will to protect the Constitution."

2024.09.04. AM 11:52
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With the first regular session of the 22nd National Assembly starting for 100 days, the representative speech of the Democratic Party of Korea will be held for two days along with the power of the people, a bargaining group.

Park Chan-dae, the floor leader of the Democratic Party, who spoke first, emphasized the values of the Constitution and set the stage for President Yoon Suk Yeol and the government through the resolution of the medical crisis and the introduction of the Chae Sang-byung Special Prosecutor Act.

I'm connecting with the reporter. Reporter Kim Da-yeon.

What are the specific contents?

Park Chan-dae, the floor leader of the party, first pointed out President Yoon Suk Yeol's personnel measures and opened up that he did not seem willing to protect the constitution.

At the same time, Kim Hyung-seok, director of the Independence Hall of Korea, and Kim Moon-soo, the Minister of Employment and Labor, were dismissed to demand that they show their will to protect the Constitution.

Looking at the previous president's briefing on state affairs, he seemed to see a naked king far from reality, criticized, and proposed four major things as the role of the National Assembly.

First, referring to the medical crisis, such as emergency room banging, he said to create an emergency consultative body involving not only the ruling and opposition parties but also the medical community and the government.

It also called for the ruling party's cooperation to boost the domestic economy, bringing up the "250,000 won per person law" and the "local currency law" promoted by the Democratic Party.

Lastly, he repeatedly pressured the ruling party to accept the special prosecution law on Chae, saying that the value of the missing fairness must be restored.

Since the Democratic Party of Korea has made a big decision to accept the so-called "third party recommendation" method, representative Han Dong-hoon should now keep his promises to the people.

He also mentioned Kim Gun-hee's alleged manipulation of stock prices and controversy over the receipt of luxury bags, saying that it is fair to be punished if you do wrong even if you have power, and emphasized that an independent counsel is needed.

The battle between the ruling and opposition parties over the so-called "suspicious preparation for martial law" is spreading?

Rumors of martial law preparations have been ignited by Kim Min-seok and Kim Byung-joo, the leaders of the pro-Lee Jae-myung faction, last month, and Lee Jae-myung, the representative, recently made public remarks.

Again today, Supreme Council member Kim Min-seok went on YouTube and said, "There is a basis for making a comprehensive judgment," and said, "If you want, you can have a public discussion, whether it be President Yoon Suk Yeol or Representative Han Dong-hoon of the People's Power."

He also argued that the constitutional provision that if a majority of the registered lawmakers demand the lifting of martial law, the president must accept it unconditionally is useless if lawmakers are arrested for all reasons.

Rep. Han Min-soo also appeared on YTN radio, taking issue with the expression "anti-state forces" repeatedly used by President Yoon Suk Yeol and saying that signs of martial law seem to be everywhere.

Let's listen to the related remarks.

[Han Min-soo / Democratic Party member: I think there are some reports. It seems that there have been several signs that many people have such thoughts and doubts, as well as in places related to the military. Isn't it shocking to say that the president is an anti-state force? What do you actually see as anti-state forces after dividing Korea into such sides now? If there is a spy, you can investigate.]

The power of the people criticized that it is a kind of frame-making in preparation for the conviction of Lee Jae-myung in the first trial next month, which has no basis.

In a CBS radio interview, Rep. Park Jung-hoon pointed out that he is trying to create a political situation favorable to them by misleading public opinion with a dictatorship frame.

As expected, let's hear the related remarks.

[Park Jung-hoon / National People's Power: It presupposes that the first trial could result in the end of Lee Jae-myung's political life, which could lead to national resistance, and we are now making a frame to the effect of using martial law as a means to suppress the national resistance. The Democratic Party. But the guilty person should be punished. Isn't that a rule of law?]

Democratic Party's Argument That Arrests Of Members Of Congress Could Be Made To Prevent Rescission Of Martial Law,
He refuted that it is nonsense, saying, "How can it be possible when the Democratic Party of Korea has a majority when lawmakers can be arrested only with the consent of the
National Assembly?"

I'm YTN's Kim Dayeon in the National Assembly.

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