Choo Kyung-ho said, "It's difficult to readjust the medical school quota next yearRequest to join the medical community"

2024.09.11. PM 3:43
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Choo Kyung-ho, floor leader of the People's Power Party, reiterated that the issue of readjusting the number of medical schools in 2025 demanded by some in the medical community regarding the formation of a ruling and opposition party council is difficult to accept.After visiting the emergency medical center at Chung-Ang University Hospital in Seoul, floor leader
Choo responded to reporters' questions, saying that frequent applications have begun and there may be chaos between test takers and parents.

He then said several times that the increase in medical schools in 2026 could be reviewed from the ground up, and he earnestly asked the medical community to participate in the consultative body to actively express and participate in the difficulties and suggestions of the field.

Earlier, in a private meeting with medical staff, floor leader Choo emphasized that he would actively provide financial and administrative support, saying that he would support the dedicated efforts of medical staff who do their best to protect the lives of serious emergency medical patients.

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