Prosecutors point out former President Moon's suspect...Moon Da-hye, "I won't hold it anymore."

2024.09.04. PM 12:50
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■ Host: Kim Sun-young Anchor
■ Appearance: Kim Hyung-joo, former Democratic Party lawmaker, Shin Ji-ho, Vice President of Strategic Planning for People's Power,

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A political commentary with a living angle, starting at the stroke of the hour. Today, we have Shin Ji-ho, the Vice-President of the Strategic Planning Department of the People's Power, and former lawmaker Kim Hyung-joo. Let's check out the first keyword. Please show us. Moon Da-hye, the daughter of former President Moon Jae In, posted a message on SNS regarding the prosecution's investigation. You're saying we should do whatever we want at this point, right? I posted something like this. Let's take a look at the graphic for what it's about. We are a community of destiny. I posted something like this. Since he succeeded by creating the word economic community, did he summon the term of memory again and give him an order? He criticized the prosecution like this. But we are not an economic community, but a family that is a destiny community, I wrote. And I'm not touching my family, but my father is now a natural person, so I'm telling him to stop at this point. I've heard this a lot before. I won't put up with it anymore. I posted a message on social media strongly criticizing the prosecution's investigation. Former lawmaker Kim Hyung-joo, I won't put up with it. He expressed strong dissatisfaction with the prosecution's investigation. You're saying we should do whatever we want, right? Isn't this what former President Roh Moo Hyun said in the past?

[Kim Hyung-joo]
That's right. Former President Roh Moo Hyun tried to sit down with Justice Minister Kang Geum-sil in his conversation with the rank-and-file prosecutor with a variety of comfortable feelings, such as prosecution reform. Prosecutors started talking about former President Roh's phone call to some prosecutor, so that's what President Roh said. But when it comes to this part, I said, "Let's just do whatever we want."Ma, anyway, the prosecution is not raising the issue of Moon Da-hye without any evidence, is it? In any case, it's basically up to the judge to decide whether or not a crime is committed.Ma seems to be true that his ex-husband was the executive director of Eastarget in Thailand and received hundreds of millions of dollars anyway. However, it is a question of whether the chairman of the board of directors of the Central Industrial Complex is a quid pro quo. Prior to the discussion, the controversy over preferential employment of her ex-husband in a place that has nothing to do with her expertise anyway. There is also a clear reason why the prosecution is confident in its own search and seizure regarding the controversy that it received a considerable amount of money. I think you should look at it like that.

We are not an economic community, we are a community of destiny. I can't say what the difference is because the concept of the term is not clearly in the dictionary, so what part do I emphasize?

[Shin Ji-ho]
I think Da-hye Moon lacks a little bit of logic. So it's not an economic community, it's not A, it's B. Then, there should be no junction or common part between A and B, or they should be completely separate. If the fate is shared, shouldn't it be considered that the wallet is shared? Isn't it common sense to live in the world? Then the economic community is just a small subset of the community of destiny. So it was good to be B, not A, but I should have put forward something that did not overlap with the economic community, but I think I failed logically. Next, it's like this. Where did Moon Da-hye live after moving to Thailand and returning home? I lived in the Blue House. However, if we look at the precedents so far, the reason why former lawmaker Kwak Sang-do was acquitted in the first trial is related to the 5 billion club. The son's salary from Hwacheon Daeyu was a bribe, and the prosecution tried to rule it, but it is not an economic community because he lives an independent life. But we lived together at the Blue House.

Then, living together with the Blue House can be evidence that it is actually an economic community. And living together at the Blue House is stronger than the economic community, in a way. An economic community can become an economic community if you share your wallet together even if you don't live together, but this means that the living community and the living community that share life and living are the same. The concept of the community is a larger concept than the economic community. If you go much further than that, you'll go out to the community of destiny. In that sense, I don't think that kind of explanation will help prevent the prosecution's investigation from being paid. However, I don't know if it will have some effect on gathering supporters.

In any case, what matters now is whether or not the former President Moon Jae In is accused of bribery, depending on whether he is recognized as an economic community. It's an important part because it's a tipping point. Moon Da-hye will not put up with it. We've made a direct statement on the investigation like this. I think this position will be repeated in the future, but do you think this is helpful to you in the investigation? What do you think?

[Kim Hyung-joo]
Will it help you? It's better to cooperate with the investigation. However, it is important to clarify it clearly. If I'm innocent, I'm just proving that I'm innocent, and I won't put up with it. It's a retaliatory investigation, so I'm going to attack at will, but talking itself does not affect the prosecution's investigation or the judgment of the trial. It seems that it would be a negative judgment if it influenced the judgment in a hurry. However, why do you emphasize the community of destiny? Before that, did you live with Choi Seo-won as president of Park Geun Hye? Doesn't an economic community mean that economic interests have been shared between individuals other than family members? On the other hand, the destiny community is that a father can give love to his children, his son, and his daughter, but it's not a relationship where the son and daughter pay the money to their parents. It is unnatural to say that it is an economic community because parents naturally sent them their living expenses before, but why did they not send them afterwards? My daughters and sons can't live well, so I sent them living expenses. Since I got a job, I didn't let you go because it was worth living, but how can you say it was bribery? However, the problem here is that it was the company of former Minister Lee Sang-jik. Also, I didn't do fact-checking when it was not related to my job or that my executive salary was higher than the president of a Thai company at the time.It is true that he received abnormal preferential treatment no matter who looks at it. I think you should look at it like that.

Is it possible to interpret that the prosecution's investigation is deep and pressured by the fact that he even posted such a post?

[Kim Hyung-joo]
And in practice, it's the point of prosecution investigation. For example, what Moon Da-hye says about the exchange of money, including the exchange itself after taking office, is that there are too many things to do, too much. If it goes wrong, there may be only a violation of the Foreign Exchange Management Act when First Lady Kim Jung-sook sends money to her daughter. This is a potential legal debate.

Anyway, is it recognized as an economic community? And the status at the time of giving this money, this will be very important. Now, Moon Da-hye's home has been raided and her account tracked. And it is said that they raided the villa in Jeju Island. Why is that?

[Shin Jiho]
I think the Jeju villa was bought after former President Moon Jae In left office. And who was the original owner was Da-hye, who owns a Jeju villa owned by Father Song Ki-in, called former President Moon Jae In's spiritual mentor, worth 380 million won. Then, where did the 380 million won purchase fund come from? I can't help but ask the source of the funds. However, according to reports, the prosecution also confirmed that Kim Jung-sook delivered 50 million won in cash wrapped in cloth to her friend and asked our daughter to deposit it. The fate of Moon Jae In, a book written by the president of Moon Jae In. Moon Da-hye received 200 million won from the publisher for designing it. It's a story that can't happen. Because it is confirmed that President Moon Jae In received 300 million won in royalties. Then, when more than 100,000 copies are sold, such a stamp duty is possible. I'm getting 300 million won in royalties. How much did you design to get 200 million? It's a story that can't happen if you know a little about the publishing industry. Now that the prosecution has discovered this suspicious flow of money, it seems that it is inevitable to find out.

Anyway, we don't know how much evidence the prosecution has now. But I'm tracking the flow of money, I think you can see it like this. In the media, some people say that Dahye, the daughter of former President Moon Jae In, is a painful finger. Why do you think that's the case?

[Kim Hyung-joo]
I think the president and the party were different, and there were also parts where they were not on good terms with each other.

Is Moon Da-hye a member of the Progressive Party?

[Kim Hyung-joo]
At that time, he expressed various other positions. I went to Thailand for some reason. As a result, I got divorced. There's a part like that. Now, it has become a destiny community and an economic community that probably co-operates the Pyeongsan Village bookstore together. In his own way, because he is the president's daughter from President Moon's point of view, didn't Kwak Sang-do also file a detailed complaint against every move? As for me, it seems that the president has the pain of receiving too much attention or being evaluated as a double standard because his father is the president.

In connection with this case, representative Cho Kuk was also recently investigated by the prosecution. Representative Cho Kuk said this this morning about the prosecution's investigation. Let's hear it. This is the argument. It's been a few years since the investigation, but now the president's approval rating is falling, so it's interpreted that he fought back before Chuseok. What do you think of that?

[Shin Jiho]
That's a forceful fitting. It's a little different for each institution you investigate.Ma's approval rating has slumped since the general election, and he's almost gone sideways there. Then it's April 10th, it's been five months since the general election.
Then I'll do it then. There is a difference of at least four to five months between the time when the president's approval rating plummeted and when the prosecution claims that the case was leaked to the media. So, this kind of fitting is the motherland-style forced logic, so we have to look at it like this. The investigation of former presidents, Lee Lee Myung Bak, and Lee Park Geun Hye was the core of the Kim Moon Jae In administration at the time, so it seems that it was stabbed, but now it is different. At that time, there was very clear concrete evidence, but now there isn't, isn't this it? But I told you everything earlier. Just because the strange flow of money has been captured is the case. Next, is there anything confirmed that President Park Geun Hye and Choi Soon-sil have a financial transaction relationship of even 10 won? Nothing has been confirmed.

But it's legally decided to be an economic community. So I got a very heavy punishment. I told you this is beyond the economic community. It's Salim Community. In that he has lived with Cheong Wa Dae for a considerable period of time. But you can't see that in the representative of your country. I think that's what it is.

Anyway, there was specific evidence in the former president's investigation, and representative Cho Kuk argues that the timing of the investigation is very suspicious. Representative Cho Kuk and Representative Yoon Gun-young continue to talk about the second paddy field clock. In a way, there is a view that this can be an opportunity for the opposition to rally, but how do you view it?

[Kim Hyung-joo]
The judicial risk of Representative Lee Jae-myung in October will become a reality, and then former Governor Kim Kyung-soo will be reinstated this time. Accordingly, he recently met with Gyeonggi Province Governor Kim Dong-yeon and First Lady Kwon Yang-suk and said, "Don't appear at the trial or the prosecution, don't appear at the prosecution." In its own way, the weight can shake a little in the so-called Lee Jae-myung representative unipolar system. Former President Moon Jae In has no choice but to be the focal point that can appear when shaking. I think there are three driving units that are not visible in their own way. But that's what former Minister Cho Kuk says.As far as I know, the FIU investigation has been very specific, so the parts of the water can be clearly revealed. As for the flow of money, you can't even steal it recently. However, unless you do something with cryptocurrency, you can catch all the flow of funds through the financial sector. However, what should be criticized is that the investigation took too long from the point of view, as a result. We should pay attention to the question of why the complaint case that took place three years ago appeared at this point.

Anyway, after Chuseok, talk of summoning Moon Da-hye is leaking, and there are predictions that the former president Moon Jae In will be investigated. Do you think we're going to go that way?

[Shin Jiho]
I have no choice but to go like that. Investigations usually change the ruling and opposition parties every time the administration changes, so each has their own arguments, but shouldn't the basics go toward the direction of evidence and legal principles? That's why we have no choice but to go like that. The opposition party is making this claim that it is political retaliation. Compared to the harsh investigations at the time of former Presidents Lee Myung Bak and Park Geun Hye when they took power in the past, I don't think they can specifically specify what the unfair investigation is. What they did was a legitimate investigation into the liquidation of deep-rooted evils, and what we are subjected to is political retaliation. I don't have anything but this. I don't have any specific details.

The Democratic Party of Korea is emphasizing this point that it is a retaliatory investigation. Lawmaker Chung Chung-rae said, "This is an imperial investigation beyond a retaliatory investigation." Let's listen to it. The recording did not contain all of them, but there seems to be a voice of protest from lawmakers about the chairman's remarks. In any case, it's an imperial investigation. How can you do this to the person who even ordered the prosecutor general? I think it's in this context. How did you like it?

[Kim Hyung-joo]
As chairman of the Judiciary Committee, I think it was a very inappropriate statement. Then, if you helped, you have to look at it. That's not right, is it? I don't think that's fair. It's literally about not being guilty of heredity and not being guilty of voting. It wasn't something that the chairman of the judiciary committee had to say, I think so. Moreover, it is the role of the chairman of the standing committee to mediate the standing committee itself when there is controversy and reduce noise, and I personally express regret about such a part that causes controversy and drags on.

Moon Da-hye said she wouldn't hold it in. If the subpoena is scheduled, I think we should wait and see if we have a chance to talk in front of reporters. Let's see how the investigation will proceed. Let's move on to the next topic. Please show us. The doctor was the most wrong. Prime Minister Han Deok-soo said this during the Q&A process. The medical doctor who left the patients with severe and incurable diseases in relation to the current medical crisis was the first to do something wrong. Of course, it is true that there is no positive public opinion regarding the doctor leaving the hospital, but it seems to be controversial because of the remarks that seem to be attributed to the doctor.

[Shin Jiho]
Why does Prime Minister Han Duck-soo need to attack a medical doctor with such provocative words? I don't think that's going to be very helpful in solving the situation. I'm a non-specialist in medical issues, but since this has become a social issue, I've been looking at it in my own way. But I'm always in favor of increasing the number of medical school students. When you do all this, you have to have a very sophisticated program. But there's a major law, for example. If you look there, doctors can work up to 88 hours a week. This means that you have to work more than 12 hours a day without taking a day off for 7 days on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays. So, the law of the major is different from the general labor standard law. But this is too much. For example, it's being talked about drastically reducing it. So, in the process of increasing the number of medical schools and persuading residents, for example, revising the law to reduce the maximum 88 hours of work to less than 70 hours, and in four advanced countries, the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, and Japan, the national responsibility system for residency training. Then, all expenses related to residency training are paid by the state and government, but we have been burdened by the hospital in charge until now.

In that sense, there should have been such things as securing the budget in that way, creating conditions, and then persuading the residents and increasing the number of medical schools, but without such pre-maintenance work, in a way, these things, such as remarkably increasing the number of medical schools from their point of view, could reduce the backlash much, but didn't they grow it? As I've been looking at it a lot lately, I've been thinking about this a lot. In that sense, I don't think the prime minister's remarks are very helpful in resolving the situation. [Anchor] Representative Lee Jae-myung also criticized Prime Minister Han Deok-soo's remarks today that he is visiting the emergency room of Korea University Anam Hospital. If the medical crisis is the doctor's fault, then is it the people's fault and the economic crisis is the company's fault? He refuted it like this.

[Kim Hyung-joo]
Prime Minister Han Deok-soo and Vice Minister Park Min-soo are showing bureaucratic behavior without knowing the scene. Words too far from the scene. On the one hand, it has happened in the past. As for the fact that the child missed the golden time and was in danger of blindness, or that he was in danger of such a very serious patient, the Prime Minister's words were the same because of his major and specialist. If you say so, it may seem reasonable on the one hand, but yesterday I happened to visit a hospital and the result was that Sue talked about it. Many doctors agree that the number of doctors should be increased.

We're doing this tight and it's a difficult part. If so, let's not cling to the number of quotas and provide better national services to doctors or make drastic adjustments in fees. Why wouldn't you do the surgery? Why would you dare to leave the medical field? It's hard to work as a doctor, but it's not money. It's just because I'm shy to talk, as a doctor. It reveals what's inside. Then you can see the answer. Regarding medical reform, the issue of fee adjustment first. Anyway, since 2025 is over, if we gradually move on from that number, wouldn't the doctors have agreed and gone to find representative Han Dong-hoon? Didn't you meet him? Then, melt the timing better so that the people can rest safely on weekends before Chuseok. In October, Armed Forces Day is a holiday with a maximum of 12 days, so what if COVID-19 recurs then? You have to think about it horribly, but looking at the remarks of Prime Minister Han Deok-soo and Vice Minister Park Min-soo, it still seems leisurely.

Isn't there a gap in the perception of reality? Government politicians are talking about this. Today, Vice Minister Park Min-soo said this in a media interview about the emergency room situation. Let's listen to it. Vice Minister Park Min-soo is in a difficult situation, but it can be overcome. The government once again emphasized that it currently sees it that way. The manual is different for children in relation to the unfortunate incident that a two-year-old child recently went around the emergency room and is now unconscious. At the same time, he said that it is important to find a medical institution and take measures first, but there seems to be such criticism that this is far from reality. You're going to the emergency room because you can't go to a medical institution.

[Shin Jiho]
Of course. For example, where is the hospital that is open at night? In that sense, I'm also very angry inside how a vice minister in charge talks like that. However, they are pouring out such things that are so different from the sentiment index felt by the general public. Looking at it now, the government is in an emergency situation in the emergency room and the emergency room in politics. be in an emergency situation If you do something wrong during the Chuseok holiday, you may be in big trouble. That's why we open a site to see if we can use the emergency room status, open a site like this, and report daily. I have a presentation.
But it looks okay just by looking at the numbers you're announcing. However, it is not the final result on the outside, and the internal situation was not reflected at all. So, for example, before the medical doctor left, there were medical doctors and specialists. In doing so, when the emergency room is operating normally, and several medical doctors have resigned, and if the emergency room system is maintained in its own way, the government counts it normally and announces it. I think that kind of diagnosis that does not reflect such an internal situation is very dangerous.

And another point to point out is that Vice Minister Park Min-soo said that most children with fever are mild. In the case of this child, didn't he end up unconscious? How do most mothers who raise children judge whether their children will become seriously ill or not if they have a fever? We're asking back again. How do you see that?

[Kim Hyung-joo]
That's right. In the past, parents wouldn't panic when they had six or seven children, if they had experience. But these days, it's one or two at most. Wouldn't ordinary parents be embarrassed unconditionally? in the absence of such experience So you have no choice but to go to the emergency room first. I don't understand how you are asking me to know this disease on my own and determine whether it is mild or severe. Representative Shin said something earlier.Ma practically goes to the emergency room and the emergency room is not a place where he comes back with red medicine. When it becomes severe, it should play a role in connecting it to the next step to treat the severe disease in more depth. There's no next step. We don't have enough workers. I think that's the biggest problem.

As former lawmaker Kim Hyung-joo mentioned, holidays have increased significantly in October, so more realistic measures should be taken for emergency room measures quickly. Let's take a look at the last keyword. Please show us. This is a watermelon independent counsel. Park Jung-hoon, a member of the People's Power, is now the special prosecutor for watermelon. The Democratic Party of Korea proposed a special prosecutor for corporal Chae for the fourth time, but this is not the case on the outside. I refuted it like this. Let's hear what happened today.

It's a special prosecutor for watermelon. Watermelons are banned in the Democratic Party. Anyway, they say they captured Han Dong-hoon's claim, but it's a lie when it turns out to be true. Are you saying this?

[Kim Hyung-joo]
The bottom line is that the Democratic Party has the right to non-earth, in fact. So at first, the authority was given to National Assembly Speaker Woo Won-sik, but it is not appropriate for National Assembly Speaker Woo Won-sik to do so. In the end, the Democratic Party can recommend it and criticize it. As a result, it's at the mercy of the Democratic Party. Patterned Han Dong-hoon signs are beneficial to the Democratic Party of Korea in the end, and isn't there a report maneuver proposed by representative Han Dong-hoon in this bill? Include that, too. At the meeting between the two parties, Chairman Lee Jae-myung said that it could be included, but when it actually came out in the bill, he took it out. Then what's left? There is no trace of Han Dong-hoon, but only the title of a third party remains, so I think it's a watermelon.

Anyway, in the case of floor leader Cheon Ha-ram, representative Han Dong-hoon eventually said, "After looking at Yongsan and public opinion, we can't decide this and that." How do you see that?

[Shin Jiho]
Politics should be done within the given conditions, and all past ruling party leaders have always moved under such constraints between the presidential office and the opposition. It's not unique to CEO Han Dong-hoon. Anyway, the Democratic Party of Korea issued a special prosecution law yesterday to catch him off guard. However, only the pattern is a third-party special prosecutor in one day. I think I was pushed back without being caught off guard when I came out as a special prosecutor for watermelon.

I will never accept it from the power of the people, is this position continuing?

[Shin Jiho]
Before I gathered my determination to never receive it, it was already organized in a public opinion contest.

I'll cut it down to here. So far, it has been two lawmakers, Shin Ji-ho, the head of the Strategic Planning Department for People's Power, and Kim Hyung-joo. Thank you.

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