He's on the sidewalk. He's on the telephone pole. He's on the wall.traffic accidents everywhere

2024.09.10. AM 08:24
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At dawn, three people, including the driver, were injured when a car rushed to the sidewalk from Gangneung, Gangwon-do, hit a telephone pole and a wall.

In Seoul, there have been a series of traffic accidents in various places, including a taxi driver hitting a stopped highway safety guide vehicle.

Reporter Song Jae-in reports on the accident overnight.

The front of the car was broken beyond recognition when it hit a telephone pole.

the wreckage of a wall littered in front of the vehicle

A car driving on the road in Ipam-dong, Gangneung-si, Gangwon-do suddenly rushed to the sidewalk around 4 a.m. today.

It stopped only after hitting the wall of the gas station following the telephone pole.A 19-year-old driver A and a man of the same age in the passenger seat were seriously injured in the accident of

because of broken bones, and an 18-year-old man in the back seat was also taken to the hospital.

The police are investigating the exact circumstances of the accident, including whether A drank or not.

About an hour ago, there was a collision near the Gimpo Airport Interchange on the Incheon International Airport Expressway.

A man in his 60s driving a taxi hit a safety guidance vehicle that was stopped on one side of the road,
Thankfully, the degree of injuries to taxi drivers and passengers in their 30s was not significant.

The police believe that the taxi driver drove drowsy.

In Bujeon-dong, Busan, a fire broke out on the first floor of a four-story commercial building.

Fortunately, there were no casualties because it was an empty store without a company,
Fire authorities extinguished the fire in about 20 minutes, causing no damage to nearby commercial buildings.

I'm Song Jaein of YTN.

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