Opposition, Special Prosecutor Kim, Special Prosecutor Chae Sang-byung, and Law Commission on Local Currency Law alone resolved.

2024.09.11. PM 2:04
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The opposition party alone passed the National Assembly Legislation and Judiciary Committee on the revision of the Special Prosecutor Act on Kim Gun-hee, the Special Prosecutor Act on Chae Sang-byung, and the Local Currency Act to promote the use of local love gift certificates.

The Judiciary Committee voted on three bills one after the other at the plenary session, with members of the People's Power leaving in protest of the vote to end the alternative debate.

The ruling party lawmakers called for a review of the agenda coordination committee to reconcile differences, saying that there are many factors that violate the separation of powers, including the authority to recommend the independent counsel, but failed to reach an agreement with the opposition party during the review process.

The Democratic Party is considering to deal with the three bills that passed the Judiciary Committee at the plenary session as early as tomorrow (12th).

Kim Gun-hee's independent counsel law, which is being pursued by the opposition party, includes Kim's alleged involvement in the manipulation of Deutsche Motors' stock price, the acceptance of luxury bags, and the recent media reports of meddling in the nomination.

The core of the Special Prosecutor's Act on Chae Sang-byung is to give the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court the first right to recommend candidates for the Special Prosecutor's Office, but to request a re-recommendation if the opposition party deems it inappropriate.

The revision of the Local Currency Act calls for the government to provide financial support to local governments that issue local love gift certificates.

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