Safe hiking to learn indoors in the late heat of early fall

2024.09.11. PM 3:20
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As the white road passes and autumn enters full-fledged, there are many people planning to climb the mountain where you can enjoy autumn leaves.

Near Bukhansan Mountain, the holy site of hiking, there is a space where you can learn from physical management to safety rules for safe hiking.

There is an issue reporter in the cool indoor rock climbing area. Reporter Seo Jihyun!

Yes, it is located in the mountainous culture hub in Ui-dong, Seoul.

It's hot outside, but you can learn the various aspects of climbing while cooling down there?

Yes, it is.

Even though it is early autumn, you can also try rock climbing while avoiding the scorching autumn sun.

I've come directly up to the colorful holder for bouldering climbing the 6-7m rock wall without equipment.

It's not as scary as you think, but it's not easy to climb the wall against this small holder.

If you experience this before and after hiking, it will be very helpful in training your physical strength.

At the Ui-dong Mountain Cultural Hub, which opened in 2021, you can learn not only common sense about climbing, such as making backpacks for climbing and tying knots, but also how to cope with safety accidents.

You can also have a realistic mountain experience.

You can carry bags of various weights and check the panoramic view of Bukhansan Mountain and your location on the screen to develop your endurance through experiences like climbing a real mountain.

You can also wear VR devices and climb the ladder to climb the Himalayan ice wall and enjoy mountain skiing and mountain biking.

The "Challenge Insubong" game, which catches buzzing pests while climbing rocks, is popular with children because it is easy and fun to learn climbing that can be a little scary.

Then let's listen to the stories of citizens enjoying various experiences at Ui-dong Mountain Cultural Hub.

[Ahn In-taek/Bondong, Seoul: I was hiking with him and the weather was so hot today and the heat wave warning was issued, so I came here often to test my physical strength and enjoy it in a cool place]

In addition, there is an Eom Hong-gil exhibition hall where you can learn the achievements of Captain Eom Hong-gil, who succeeded in climbing the 16 Himalayan peaks for the first time in the world, and see the equipment used to climb the Himalayas.

Why don't you cool down the late heat here, where you can learn everything about the mountains, and learn the challenging spirit and exploration spirit of the mountaineers?

So far, I'm Seo Ji-hyun of YTN at the Mountain Culture Hub in Ui-dong, Seoul.

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