Lee Jun-seok, the accused of 'suspicious sexual payment', appeals to the accusation of innocence.

2024.09.11. PM 4:30
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The accuser appealed to the prosecution for not prosecuting Lee Joon-seok of the New Reform Party, who was accused of innocence after suing YouTubers who raised suspicions of sexual payment.Lawyer Kang Shin-up, who is accused of

, held a press conference in front of the Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office with Kim Se-eui's Garosero Research Institute CEO and others this afternoon (11th) and filed an appeal with the Seoul High Prosecutors' Office, saying that the prosecution decided to investigate accordingly.

An appeal is a procedure in which the complainant or accuser object to the competent high prosecution in objection to the prosecution's non-prosecution and demands a second judgment.Lawyer

Kang criticized the prosecution for citing conflicting statements by those involved as reasons for disposition, saying that it is rather natural to have conflicting statements about the past 10 years.

Kim Se-eui and Kang Yong-seok, the head of the Garosero Research Institute, were sued for defamation after raising suspicions that Lee had received sexual favors from Kim Sung-jin, the head of iKaist.

Since then, Representative Kim's representative lawyer, Kang Shin-up, has accused Representative Lee of not guilty, and the prosecution has not indicted him on the 5th, saying there is insufficient evidence of allegations of sexual entertainment.

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