"To expel the devil"...A 50-year-old in prison for breaking the front door of his brother's house

2024.09.26. AM 11:39
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A 50-year-old man who broke into the front door of his house with the delusion that his brother had a devil and broke into it without permission was sentenced to a suspended prison sentence.

The Incheon District Court sentenced a 52-year-old man, A, to six months in prison and two years of probation in the first trial on charges of special residential invasion and damage to special property.

The court explained the reason for the sentencing, saying that A had no history of punishment other than being fined for drunk driving and that he was mentally and physically weak at the time of the crime due to schizophrenia.

In September last year, A was accused of breaking down and breaking into the front door lock of his brother's house with a blunt instrument several times in a multi-family house in Michuhol-gu, Incheon.

Immediately after the crime, A was diagnosed with a mental illness called Hyun-hyun's Jeongdong Disorder and has been hospitalized until now, and it was investigated that he committed the crime under the delusion that his brother had a devil.

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