Police investigate 95 happy money charges and charges...Summoning the issuer's representative twice

2024.09.30. PM 1:52
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It has been confirmed that the police summoned the issuer's representative twice to investigate the damage to the Happy Money gift certificate, which was suspended due to the Timon and Wemakeff incident.

Woo Jong-soo, head of the National Investigation Division of the National Police Agency, said at a regular press conference today (24th) that he called in Ryu Seung-sun, CEO of Happy Money INC, twice on the 29th of last month and 19th of this month to investigate.

In addition, the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency's financial crime investigation unit said it is investigating 95 related cases.

Earlier, the financial crime investigation team took over all related cases from the Gangnam Police Station in Seoul last month and raided the office of the Korea Prepaid Card.

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