Korea Communications Standards Commission-Telegram's first face-to-face meeting... "Response to the principle of zero tolerance for deepfakes" [Anchor Report]

2024.09.30. PM 6:59
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The number of Telegram users, which has been controversial for various crime hotbeds such as sex crime videos, has recently surged.

In August, the number of users in Korea increased by 310,000 in a month, the largest increase ever.

In particular, teenagers accounted for one-third of the increased users.

Telegram is considered difficult to eavesdrop and censor because the conversation content is encrypted.

The anecdote of the Russian government's demand to provide a decryption key in 2017 is famous, but Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov rejected it.

However, critics continued to criticize Telegram for neglecting crimes, and finally, French authorities arrested Durov last month and charged him preliminarily.

There were 12 charges Duroff received, including the distribution of child pornography and drug trafficking.

Durov announced a different policy after being released on bail.

If the investigative agency makes a legitimate request, it will hand over information such as user IP addresses and phone numbers involved in illegal activities.

After Durov's change of position, Telegram held its first face-to-face meeting with the Korea Communications Standards Commission.

Telegram also left open the possibility of broad consultations with the Korean investigation authorities, saying it would strongly respond to illegal information with zero tolerance.

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