The bereaved family of the Itaewon disaster, "I am not convinced that Mayor Park Hee-young is innocent."

2024.09.30. PM 7:27
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When Yongsan-gu Mayor Park Hee-young, who was tried for poor response to the Itaewon disaster, was acquitted in the first trial, the bereaved families protested, saying they could not accept it.

After the sentencing, the bereaved families blocked the vehicle when Park left the court, collapsed on the floor and protested in tears.

They criticized the first trial for exonerating district officials, including Mayor Park, from the previous judiciary's judgment that officials were responsible for disaster management in major disasters such as the collapse of Seongsu Bridge or Sampoong Department Store.

He also pointed out that Mayor Park and others' claims that they did not know the possibility of crowding at the time of Halloween Day stemmed from ignorance and indifference and could not be the basis for innocence.

Punishing those responsible will not cure the heartbreak of the bereaved family or the victims will not come back alive, but without severe punishment, the disaster will inevitably happen again, urging the prosecution to appeal immediately.

The prosecution announced its plan to decide whether to appeal after reviewing the ruling in connection with the first trial ruling.

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