Breaking News Lee Jae-myung's 'Trial of Perjury Teachers' will be sentenced on November 25th.

2024.09.30. PM 7:45
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The first sentence of Lee Jae-myung, the leader of the Democratic Party of Korea, who was indicted for asking trial witnesses to give false testimony, will be held on November 25.

The Seoul Central District Court has set the first trial date for Lee's perjury teacher trial as November 25.

Earlier, the prosecution asked the court to sentence CEO Lee to three years in prison, the maximum in the sentencing standards for perjury crimes.

In December 2018, CEO Lee was put on trial on charges of calling Kim Jin-sung, the late former secretary for Seongnam Mayor Kim Byung-ryang, several times and demanding perjury in a trial related to the so-called "prosecutor impersonation case."

In response, CEO Lee denies the charges, saying he only asked him to testify as he remembered, and that the prosecution only drew up the advantage.

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