Military Human Rights Center "Excessive veto rights..."Playing with soldiers".

2024.09.30. PM 8:32
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At the Cabinet meeting, criticism came out over the resolution of the request for reconsideration of the Chae Sang-byung Special Prosecutor Act.

The Military Human Rights Center issued a statement today (30th) and pointed out that President Yoon Suk Yeol is expected to veto the Special Prosecutor Act on Chae's Corporation for a third time, and that it is the first time he has vetoed the same bill three times.

He also said that Chae's special prosecutor law was the first to veto the special prosecutor law dealing with allegations of crimes committed by the president himself while in office.

In addition, he criticized President Yoon for playing "soldiers" on Armed Forces Day, which was designated as a temporary holiday, saying that soldiers are mobilized for the city parade.

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