□ Broadcast date and time: January 17, 2025 (Fri)
□ Host: Lee Ik-seon, Choi Soo-young
□ Starring: Pharmacist Lee Ji-hyang
- Multivitamins, 'advanced function' for energy-depleted seniors, etc..Lactobacillus, small intestine dysfunction, heart flutter, chance of insomnia
Gas garage, possibly causing diarrhea
* The text below may differ from the actual broadcast content, so please check the broadcast for more accurate information.
◇ Lee Ik-seon: Let's recharge here after a week of exhaustion. <Geon> for shortening the knowledge of health. Jeon.ji> Today, I'm with Lee Ji-hyang, a pharmacist. Welcome.
★ Pharmacist Lee Ji-hyang (hereinafter referred to as Lee Ji-hyang): Hello. Happy New Year.
◇ Lee Ik-seon: Knowledge of health batteries. I'm going to talk about nutritional supplements today. We see that the medicine is really increasing. I'm surprised to see the elderly holding a sigh. Do you know what you're taking? Please send me anything you want to know about the medicine and nutritional supplements. Pharmacist Lee Ji-hyang will give you a live prescription.
◆ Choi Soo-young: With the Lunar New Year's Day just a week away, health functional foods are selling like hot cakes. Especially health-related things are very good to give as a holiday gift. Can I eat this at the pharmacy after the holidays? Do you get so many inquiries?
★ Lee Jihyang: That's right. I'm a 30-year-old pharmacist. When I was young, I had a special holiday. So it was a little better, but I don't have it now. The passageways are so diversified. Instead, you're busy after it's over. Where can I get it and bring it back to eat it? Ask me this.
◇ Proficiency line: It has nothing to do with the income of the pharmacy.
★ Lee Jihyang: That's right. It has nothing to do with importing, but of course I have to do it for you. Don't we do it with a sense of duty?
◇ Interest line: All right. There are so many kinds of nutritional supplements and health functional foods. If there are any precautions to be aware of when choosing.
★ Lee Ji-hyang: You need to know your physical condition first. Our body is a part of the universe. The reason why there are days and nights is because life activities continue in the form of using energy during the day and filling up energy at night, so is this person tired because he/she cannot burn energy or is tired because he/she cannot fill up energy? Is this a person who should give energy to this person? There are people who burn incompletely. If you have a heavy body, gain weight, and don't want to do anything, you have to give them nutritional supplements to burn, and if you're exhausted from burning too much, you have to fill them up. But it's good for fatigue, so if you give it to someone to fill it up, it gets stretched out more, and if you give it to someone to fill it up, it burns more and becomes more active.
◆ Choi Soo-young: I think it's going to be very difficult to distinguish.
★ Lee Ji-hyang: That's why you need a professional,
◆ Choi Soo-young: Korea's top selling nutritional supplements. Multivitamins and lactobacillus. I eat two, too. It's so popular that I think most people will eat it, but there's something to be careful about when taking it.
★ Lee Ji-hyang: This is the base I just mentioned. Multivitamins are a fire. As for vitamins. It's not a raw material that fills our body. He's a born fireman. So, if people who are depleted because they don't have energy in their body, they will be boosted. In fact, people who dry out and lack body fluids and blood can't sleep if they take multivitamins, especially high-content active vitamins. on the rise If you're excited and your heart is pounding, you can't eat this, mom. Give it to your son. ’ I'm doing it. The same goes for lactobacilli. You eat a lot of germs. The reason is that lactobacilli are immune in our body. I'm balancing my immunity by putting good bacteria in my intestine, but the intestine has both a large intestine and a small intestine. There are bacteria that live in the small intestine and bacteria that live in the large intestine. If E. coli is put in a person who is uncomfortable in the small intestine and has a broken intestinal barrier, it becomes gasier, stomachache, and harder. So, you have to choose the bacteria according to your body condition, but many people come to eat just any bacteria and say that they can't sleep because of stomachache or diarrhea.
◇ Profit line: When is a good time to get it right? How about before, after, breakfast, lunch, dinner, and before bed?
★ Lee Ji-hyang: It depends on the product. For example, when the mucous membrane is empty, it would be better to eat liquid products on an empty stomach. And Ji Yong Sung. You know, oil products like vitamin d. You have to eat that after a meal to absorb it well. For Omega 3. And lactobacillus should be less affected by miscarriage and bile, so you'll get more empty stomachs, and it's slightly different for each product. If I tell you this, patients get very confused. So the most important thing for me is not when you eat it, but it's important to eat it as a routine. It's not 'I'm going to eat it tomorrow because it's past the meal,' but I'm telling you that it's more important to keep eating even if the absorption rate drops.
◆ Choi Soo-young: That's because vitamin evolution has taken place these days. It comes out in the form of jelly. But it's one of the most sold things to give social networking services that we commonly know. In fact, when I search and search, the result ends up being work. Because I'm a pushover. But surprisingly, doctors and pharmacists don't recommend it?
★ Lee Ji-hyang: When we recommend a product, we consider all things like water absorption. I'm considering the taste and the medication exam, but the best thing is that you have to raise the condition that you want, but you can't put all the contents in the form of jelly.
◆ Choi Soo-young: It's easier to eat, so we need to put some other ingredients in it.
★ Lee Ji-hyang: Medication compliance is good, but it's not enough for us to recommend it.
◆ Choi Soo-young : Is it best to have a hard shell or something like this?
★ Lee Ji-hyang: It varies from person to person. For those with weak stomachs, it's powdery.
◇ Lee Ik-seon: I feel that capsules are not digesting well.
★ Lee Ji-hyang: It sticks to the mucous membrane and doesn't go down. For these people, we recommend powder, liquid form, and various kinds.
◇ Lee Ik-seon: You mentioned earlier that we need to look at our bodies first, but each person must have enough, and isn't there something lacking? I also think it's not a multivitamin. I heard that vitamins come out of our body when it overflows. Is that right?
★ Lee Ji-hyang: It's water-soluble and fat-soluble, but when we wash dishes, it doesn't get oily. It's the same. Fat-soluble vitamins stay in the body for a long time, so if they continue to come in, they can accumulate in the body and become uncomfortable if they come in more than necessary. And water solubility comes out in urine, but it's a waste of money. Why do you pay a lot of money to pee? That's why you have to eat as much as you need.
◆ Choi Soo-young: As you said, it comes in various formulations such as liquid, pills, and injections. Of course, it depends on each person, but what's the fastest effective thing among these?
★ Lee Ji-hyang: The one that works quickly is the injection. However, injections are unfamiliar to our human DNA. It hasn't been long since the injection was discovered, and the most reasonable thing for us humans is that if there is something wrong with the liver through the mouth, through the mucous membrane, the liver, the intestines must be skipped once, the liver must be caught once, and then the immune cells reject the bad thing and do only good things. Even with the same formulation, the injection is much more effective, but the side effects are much greater. For example, it has great side effects as much as it is effective when injected with antibiotics and when taken. There are vitamin D and injections and pills, but it's better not to take them regularly except when you're in a hurry or when you're in a hurry.
◇ Lee Ik-seon: I'll read one of your comments. I'm a battery-loving listener. I feel like I gain weight when I take nutritional supplements or vitamins, is that just how I feel? Or can I actually gain weight? '
★ Lee Ji-hyang: You can gain weight if you take nutritional supplements or vitamins and eat more. However, if you take vitamins and have good energy metabolism in your body, you may lose weight.
◆ Choi Soo-young: Not all possibilities go one way.
★ Lee Ji-hyang: Because there are people in my body who have enough nutrition but cannot make it into energy. That's why I keep eating it. That's why it's called an active vitamin. If you take vitamins, it acts as a fire starter and burns more energy, so it can be easier to lose weight, but if you don't have vitamins, you can't form body fluids and can't metabolize, and if you haven't eaten, you can eat vitamins and eat more and gain weight.
◇ Lee Ik-seon: If you are in good condition, you have a good appetite. Listener's 'Celenium is good for immunity, can I eat it carelessly? ’ It means that I can eat whatever I want, right?
★ Lee Ji-hyang: Usually selenium alone preparations are rare. As far as I know, experts prescribe it to cancer patients or patients with autoimmune diseases who are very immunocompromised. There are prescriptions, and I know that functional medicine doctors come out through injections, and ordinary people have calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, manganese, and other minerals.
◆ Choi Soo-young: I'm also curious about this question, but the listener sent it. "Do I have to discard the vitamin right after the expiration date?" '
★ Lee Ji-hyang: Honestly, I don't throw it away right away, but I eat it myself. It's breathable and the expiration date is different. We can't sell it. But if you are exposed to the sun again after too long, it will get damaged. The smell itself is weird. Before that, hurry up and eat it and give it as a gift.
◇ Profit line: Expiration date is not the expiration date. So I'm saying it's okay to some extent.
◆ Choi Soo-young: Okay. Another listener said, "Joongnyeon, can I give you milk thistle? ’ I've been drinking milk thistle a lot lately. What's good for this?
★ Lee Ji-hyang: What is milk thistle is that the liver is our body's metabolic factory. There is a lot of fumes in the factory because it is a factory where blood comes in and makes it with a lot of substances needed for our body. Like that, the liver always says active oxygen, factory smoke, and it gets rid of it.
◇ Isn't that a good thing? To anyone?
★ Lee Ji-hyang: It's good, but it's not the first nutrient that's chosen when middle school students need to grow because they're less likely to have a lot of free oxygen between them. It is recommended for men in their 30s and 40s who drink, smoke, and are stressed, but it is not the first thing for middle school students. If there is, you can feed it.
◇ Profitsun: Is there a difference between milk thistle sold in pharmacies and online?
★ This direction: There must be a content difference. Milk thistle is extracted from a plant called thistle, and the plant called thistle also has leaves, stems, roots, and seeds. Only the horse is milk thistle, but did you extract it from the seeds? The difference in content from the roots was a big difference in quality. Even if it's the same milk thistle, it's different. They promote it like this.
◆ Choi Soo-young: Free radicals such as fumes in the liver come from people like me due to excessive alcohol consumption.
◇ Lee Ik-seon: You've been very restrained these days. Can I take the Prime Omega prescription for my daughter in her 20s or 50s? For your information, I have suspected hypercholesterolemia. '
★ Lee Ji-hyang: Omega 3 is oil. We need good oil in our body to protect cells. Oil is associated with immunity. It also cleans the endothelium of blood vessels, so I think it's okay to share it.
◇ Lee Ik-seon: Can people in their 20s eat it?
★ Lee Ji-hyang: Omega 3 is something even pregnant women can eat. However, it takes a little longer to say that 'prescribed omega-3' is not an omega-3 drug alone these days, but there are also specialized medicines called statins. I'm not sure what it's like. I think you should go to a nearby pharmacy and check the ingredients.
◆ Choi Soo-young: You mentioned lactobacillus earlier. They said it's all different because they have a large intestine and a small intestine, but there are people who say that it's okay to eat something, but also that their stomach hurts when they eat something. Then, is this also a side effect? Is it because I wrote it wrong?
★ Lee Ji-hyang: Rather than writing incorrectly, it can hurt even if you use it properly. The bacteria fight for each other. If resistance occurs in the process of driving out bad bacteria, it can hurt your stomach at first, but it can be okay after they disappear, and it's various. At first, bad bacteria are just removed from the stomach, so they can resist and cause diarrhea again, and the gas can be fuller. And then it calms down.
◆ Choi Soo-young: It's hard to look inside, so you have to fit it very sensitively.
◇ Profitship: There is a drug that sells well at the end of the year. In particular, it's a diet-related supplement, but it's really packed when I go to the gym. It's still very crowded. What is the principle of diet supplements?
★ Lee Ji-hyang: It seems to vary. You have to look at the ingredients very well and choose according to your body condition, but there are people who are highly dependent on carbohydrates. The reason why carbohydrates gain weight is because they are converted to fat. However, there are also products that help this carbohydrate be used as energy without being converted to fat. Also, we need to have a sympathetic nervous system, but there are people who can't go to the gym when the sympathetic nervous system becomes lethargic. For those people, there is a product that makes them a body suitable for exercise while promoting sympathetic nerves. Also, there are people who have a lot of debris because they don't have lymphatic circulation, and people with a lot of inflammation use up all their energy and don't have the energy to exercise. Then you have to get rid of the inflammation. So, you can choose a diet according to your condition.
◇ Lee Ik-seon: I have a question. There are a lot of people who usually eat lutein because of their eyes. So it's lutein to the eye. The intestines are lactic acid bacteria. Eat something for your teeth. If you eat a lot of greasy food after eating, you eat something like Pomora O. I eat collagen again. People eat all kinds of things because they tell them to eat the chondroitin, which accurately points out the target and tells them to eat this. In fact, I think there will be a separate drug that targets accurately and has a high effect.
★ Lee Ji-hyang: We have it, but it's very inefficient. There's only one body. This body is always controlling its energy to survive. We turn off the urgent fire first. When we have enough blood, we can do activities, immunize, regenerate, and share energy, but if the blood itself is insufficient, we use all of our activity energy and there is nothing to use immune or renewable energy. So a place that hasn't received blood yet. Those cells start to hurt. All cells need blood to survive. But if you fill the blood and use the product by targeting it without starting from the basics of finding the balance of energy, that product also has to go there with blood in my body, but I can't. You're only spending money for nothing.
◇ Lee Ik-seon: So first of all, you have to eat well.
★ Lee Ji-hyang: Of course. So I have to do it. I've been studying with nutritional supplements for a long time, looking at patients, but nutritional supplements. In other words, I can't live without food, but I can't live without water. And you can't live without oxygen, air, or love. The four things have to be balanced. What's so important is that the fluid in the body is called water. If we don't have enough fluids, we feel very stressed and short of blood. That's why all material movement stops. I can't move the material. We who don't breathe die. I don't have to eat food for a month. You have to breathe oxygen into the air and release carbon dioxide to balance the acid-alkali in our body so that we can do cellular activities. The PH is right.
◇ Lee Ik-seon: It's amazing that love goes in.
★ Lee Ji-hyang: Love loses love. Then our sympathetic nerves get excited. I feel anxious, afraid, and lonely when I love myself and can't connect. Then, when the sympathetic nervous system becomes excited, the hormones change. As cortisol increases, hormones such as serotonin and oxytocin, which are good for us, are depleted. Then the cells become atrophy and the cells get sick. That's why food needs to have proper carbs, proteins, and fats in it so that carbs become fuel, proteins make up my body, and fats protect me. I have to balance all four of these so that I can live my life in the form of health, but nutritional supplements, nutritional supplements, nutritional supplements. So I think you only spend money for nothing.
◆ Choi Soo-young: Let me introduce you to a text message. "Driving is my karma, so I spend 12 hours a day sitting down. As a result, my legs are so swollen and numb that I'm thinking of taking a venous circulation improvement drug that relieves swelling. I want to know how it improves swelling, and I wonder if there are any side effects. ’
◇ Lee Ik-seon: I was really curious, too.
★ Lee Ji-hyang: We're circulating. Blood from the heart travels around the Earth two and a half times and comes back in, and the blood that goes out is an artery, which is bound to go out unconditionally due to the pressure of the heart. Returning blood This is called a vein, and a vein has nothing to do with the heart. It only comes back to muscle strength. That's why the thighs or hips are called the second heart. Their big muscles have to be tightly tightened to return to the heart, but if you're driving, the blood keeps going down due to gravity, but because it can't come up, it's stagnant and swollen. Blood needs to be in the blood vessels. You might be wondering what I'm saying, but if you study, it's not natural. Because blood is constantly circulating, sending blood through the capillaries, into the tissues, and then coming back in, how can it be possible? There's a principle. There are difficult principles such as hydrostatic pressure and osmotic pressure. But if you keep sitting down, the osmotic pressure or hydrostatic pressure will break. So the blood that needs to be in the blood vessels splashes out of the blood vessels. That's swelling. So in order to pull it up again, the capillaries of the blood vessels themselves need to be dense. Products used for these varicose veins do that. It's a kind of antioxidant that controls the permeability of capillaries. It's meaningful because it's so permeable that it helps you get closer and come back, but how much more would it be than working out? So we wore stockings and worked out. The characteristic of these people is that they have a lot of night urination. If you have varicose veins, your blood will be collected during the day, and if you lie down, your accumulated blood will just come up, and your kidneys will filter the blood, so it's accompanied by night urination. If you don't know this, you have to treat varicose veins separately, treat night urination separately, and spend a lot of money. When you understand your body, you realize that all these things are connected as one.
◆ Choi Soo-young: But this person's job is driving, so it's helpful to take this medicine, right?
★ Lee Ji-hyang: It's helpful, and even if you drive for 12 hours, you must rest in the middle. You have to get off and raise your legs, or you have to take care of your body with a routine like that.
◆ Choi Soo-young: Let me ask you another question. It's the time of red ginseng these days. Since it's Lunar New Year's Day these days, there are many products and rumors that it's good for immunity, so many people eat it, but the side effects of red ginseng may sound unpleasant. What are the side effects and what are the symptoms?
★ Lee Ji-hyang: I explain that red ginseng is a little like coffee or alcohol. Burning energy, building strength. A hundred years ago when we lived in thatched houses and the earth was cold, red ginseng was also precious, and red ginseng would have been very necessary in those days. There were a lot of people freezing to death. But it's too hot now. At a time when it's hot, drinking a lot, home is hot, and the earth is getting hotter, of course, if you eat red ginseng, you get energized, but it's overheating because it burns too much. I have often seen people who have experienced red ginseng when they eat it because they have no energy and are immunocompromised, their face becomes red, they can't sleep, their heart palpitates, their eyes become bloodshot.
◇ Lee Ik-seon: So when you don't have that much energy, what should you eat instead of red ginseng?
★ Lee Jihyang : Filling. There is food, but as I said before, you need to fill your blood with nutritional supplements. Fill your body fluid. There are cases where the car itself breaks down when the car doesn't go out, but you have to think that the car may not go out because there is no oil.
◇ Lee Ik-seon: So what's the stuffing of blood and body fluids?
★ Lee Ji-hyang: Water is the most important thing. Water. But does the hospital give us fluids to drink water from our bodies? You have to know the principle. So make sure I'm too low-salt. Make sure it's too high-salt. There are dehydrated foods that take water from my body. Make sure you drink too much coffee, cola, green tea, alcohol, etc. Make sure there are any diuretics I take. He nags me a lot like this.
◇ Lee Ik-seon: There are many people who buy nutritional supplements directly from abroad. It has also been controversial due to the side effects of some nutritional supplements. What should I be careful about when I buy a fastball?
★ Lee Ji-hyang: When you buy a fastball, you should be afraid of not consulting the pharmacist Lee Ji-hyang. I don't think there's anything good about a direct purchase because it's cheap. Now we have a PT teacher. When I go to the gym. The amount of money you get from the PT teacher is not easy. Like that, why would you buy cheap and good nutritional supplements directly from the store? I don't recommend direct purchases because I think you should consult an expert and do it properly.
◆ Choi Soo-young: Okay. This is the last text I'm going to introduce. I'm a 41-year-old woman. I've been taking blood pressure medication for about 3 years and I take gout medication because my uric acid level is high. Are there any nutritional supplements that gout patients should avoid? ’ This is an important question. There are surprisingly many gout patients these days.
★ Lee Ji-hyang: If you look at these questions, go a little more fundamentally. Having blood pressure and gout means that this person has a metabolic disease. The lines should stick to our bodies like cogs, but since it's locked now, you have to look at it fundamentally, but I think the question of what I can't eat when I'm suffering from this disease is a little peripheral. I can give you that answer. Gout occurs when nucleic acid does not metabolize, so for example, you should be careful about beer yeast among nutritional supplements. I can give you such an intuitive answer, but more than that, if you have blood pressure and gout, it's not a separate disease. It's a disease, so I want to see it as one.
◇ Profit line: One more short. "I'm taking hyperlipidemia pills. Can I take omega-3s? '
★ Lee Ji-hyang: Yes, you can eat it. Hyperlipidemia is also called LDL, HDL, and TG, so the levels of high density, low density, and neutral fat are different. Omega-3 is highly recommended for those with high triglycerides. Otherwise, even if you take omega-3, your low-density cholesterol will not decrease that much.
◇ Profit line: Okay. I was with Lee Ji-hyang, a battery pharmacist who conveys health. Thank you for your hard work today.
◆ Choi Soo-young: Thank you very much.
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